My first night in So Cal I stayed at a Motel 6. Now, I'm the most normal guy in the world and things like "room decorations" and "bed accessories" don't usually pop up on my radar... but this did. I think it caused a few cones in both my eyes to explode.
I saw orange trees for the first time... too bad I'm not fond of pulp.
Another first for me... getting beat up by a 3 year old. I was working on this little demon's classroom computer, when he walks up and speaks something I guess were "words". Now, kids do this all the time... come up and try to "talk shop" with me. It's cute, they are usually funny, and we all have a good time. So when this kid just reaches out and tries to grab the mouse from me, I tell him no. What does he do? Screams and starts hitting me. Whoop-de-do... he's three, so I can easily troubleshoot the computer. Since I don't really react to his "onslaught" he digs his little nails into my arm and scratches me... and then proceeds to throttle my head. You know what his teacher did then? Did she yell at him? Did she scold him? Did she remove him from the area? Nah, she thought it was funny. I just finished up and left... So in about 20 years I'll be looking out for a mass murder to spread mayhem in Southern California.
Last night (Friday, March 4th) I went to see Gabrel Ingelasis in Fresno with my co-worker and her family. I had seen him on Comedy Central and thought he was pretty good. I wasn't expecting though to be one of handful of white boys in the crowd! I was towering above 90% of everyone... I had to hunker way down in my seat so all the rows behind me could see. It was really cool and entertaining, but never in my life would I have guessed I would attend a Latino comedy show in Fresno, CA... never.
So I packed up my stuff and drove down to Los Angeles and found an affordable place in Hollywood. Now I've heard it's not the nicest place to stay, but my per diem stinks, so beggers can't be choosers. I did have just enough time to check out the area around my hotel and take some pictures of Paramount Studios. However my favorite picture was this. Ok... so when do you admit you have a drinking problem if you get your liquor delivered?!
More pictures (and hopefully stories) to come.... stay tuned!
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