Thursday, August 04, 2005

My New Party Game...

Due to the craziness that is my job, I'll have to keep this short... probably not alot of new posts in the next few weeks unless I find some reliable net access on the road.

Tonight, quite by random, while hangin out with Phil and my seldom, MIA-friend, Julian, we played what I could only call the "Movie-Actor" game. Name a movie and then the next person has to name an actor from the movie. Keep it going by the person after them naming a different movie that the actor was in. Rinse and repeat... for hours. Trust me it's quite fun and you can keep it going for quite some time. Probably the most fun I've had in years... or maybe it was the margaritas at Kirkland's Cactus (or iCactus! if you prefer).

Off to Denver on Saturday! Three weeks in the Rockies comin' up!


Ayric Andy said...

I hope you had fun cutting your teeth on the jelloesque movie-knowledge of our friends.

Phil - rents only movies he hasn't seen, which are all horrible

Julian - just likes horrible movies

Dave - won't watch movies after 1970

We will see!

bucketgirl said...

It's wrong to invent a new party game and then refuse to play it at iCactus with aDan. Boo!