Thursday, October 06, 2005

New Blog Name.. "The Adventures of Cutie-kins"

So... in typical Ayric/Andy style, I thought I was clever... when really, anyone could see how to easily thwart my poorly planned attempt at blocking the joke. Congrats! So following the old addage, "If you can't beat them, join them" I will now endorse and accept the nickname "Cutie-kins" It beats "Deer-in-the-field", "Andy Dangerfield" (becuase I got no respect in middle school... or now it seems), or my college nickname (for the first 4 years) of "Freshman".

Until next time,



bucketgirl said...


Ok, POOF, now you're 35.

or do you mean we'd be 54?

(I don't care if anyone else gets what I am saying; I like being obscure; and I rule.)

Ayric Andy said...

yes... I live in Kirkland
and it's adage... I can't spell
at least I have my looks...

Ayric Andy said...

No worries... if there is one thing I like to do, it's overreact. Thank you for the kind words as well. I'm having a good week, not too busy... but my trip to Montana-Wyoming next week and a Brooks and Dunn concert on the 15th should give me plenty to write about. Have a great day...