Thursday, December 15, 2005

Going back to "school"

Well today I finally committed myself to getting my A+ certification.

For all of you un-techie types, it's basically the high school diploma of the computer world. I know a little of this and little of that, but this would prove that I know "stuff" about computers. So along with my experience and few books off of Amazon, I'll be attending Ayric's School o' Nerdiness for the next month or so. Gives me something to do over the holidays, and I can always prod my techie father about stuff when he's not distracted by the new grandson.

For my own laziness... I'm adding some links on the sidebar, so that I have them when I'm away from the home CPU.

Well that's about it... I might post more about the wonderful world of computers later, but now it's off to bed.

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