Friday, September 30, 2005

Island Adventure Blog: Day 4, Koloa, Menehune Fishpond, and South Shore

Hey everyone! A bit of a bummer day... two things actually, my customer on the island needed me to do things this morning, so that elimiated going to the North Shore or West (to the canyon). After lunch I headed to the small village of Koloa, one of Hawaii's first sugar mills. All that was left is the "stack" but very pretty place, with the most lush fields and trees I've seen so far! I kept heading down to the beach to find a few parks and the "Spouting Horn" which was just waves crashing into a hole in the lava bed... nothing cool like the Thunder Hole at Acadia National Park or Old Faithful at Yellowstone. Also a bummer was the National Tropical Botantical Garden was closed for the day! I was hoping to score some sweet pics for my mom back home. Grrrr! I then checked out the Menehune Fishpond. As legend has it, this beautiful pond was made by the Menehune. They are my favorite (to date) Hawaiian cultual icons. They are quasi-leprechaun and part qupid helping people get things accompished quickly. This pond is said to be made by them, long before any man set foot on the island. Read more about the Menuhune here. I also visited the Grove Farm Homestead... an 80 acre civil war era sugar plantation.

Check out the pictures here!

The other bummer of my day is the fact that the former hurricane-turned-tropical-storm Kenneth is heading right up the Hawaiian chain. Bascially means alot of cruddy weather that won't be good for my camera. I still hope to do an ambitious trip to both the North and West shores tomorrow. Pray for my success!



Anonymous said...

These pictures are just beautiful, beautiful. There is only one problem -- where are you? I want to see pictures of you cutie-pie.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Aryic, you are teh hottest! OMG where are you in your hottie board shorts!

Ayric Andy said...

Stop! You're making me blush!